Thursday, July 8, 2010

8 weeks

I realized yesterday that I only have 8 weeks left before my big race. I didn't think I was nervous until that thought crossed my mind, well that and the realization that it is SUPER hot in anaheim right now, and labor day weekend will probably be just as bad...yikes! I have been getting up earlier to run now that is is warmer, and I think that will be a saving grace since the race starts before 6am. Still I know I'm really going to have to stick to my training over the next few weeks if I am going to finish this thing strong.

July is going to fly by, the next three weeks I will be up at camp, and though I will be running, I'm not sure how much time I will have for posting, but I will do my best to update as often as I can. Camp is my favorite time of year, it is so fun to see what God can do with our hearts when he takes us out of our everyday element, I am always refreshed and renewed after camp, even if I am dead tired.

Spending the weekend with my folks, then off to kids camp...Can't wait!
See You At The Finish Line