#2 Cierra
It seems fitting to write about Cierra today, since it was just yesterday that we moved her into her college dorm. Cierra came to crossroads as a middle schooler, a kid who was always glued to the hip of her best friend Bella. The two girls were inseparable some of the few girls we have amongst the many, many boys. It didn't take long for anyone to fall in love with these girls, and by the 8th grade Cierra was being mentored and later dicipled by one of our staff members, Lucinda. Back in 2006 we took a trip to Anaheim for a youth convention, and Cierra felt called to take greater leadership in her faith. She became a student leader at crossroads, interned with our children's program, joined the worship team, and now as she heads off to college she wants to come back one night a week as a volunteer staff. Over the last 5 years I have had the great privilege to watch Cierra grow and change, and really stand up and become an independent woman of God. It was a bitter sweet joy to drop her off at her dorm knowing that Crossroads and its staff had played a monumental part in getting her to this point...the first one in her family to go to college. There is great joy knowing just how much she will thrive in college and yet it was hard to let her go, knowing she wont be around our table for dinner every night. But I am excited to see the way God will use her, and I am proud to see what has God has done through our staff in Cierra's life.
The opportunity to change lives through relationship...that's why I'm running the extra mile.
See Ypu At The Finish Line,