Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Training Update

Well, I started this blog today but I started running back in November. I didn't want to put it out there if it was going to be a flash in the pan sort of idea, but now more than before I know how hard it will be, but also just how worthwhile it will be if I actually accomplish the task.

Like I said I started C25K (the hip abbreviation for the couch to 5k training program) back in November, I got about 5 weeks into the program (running over 2 miles a day, 3 times a week) and then the holidays came and went and I had some trouble getting back on the horse. I started back at the beginning and tried to increase my speed, so far this has been a good approach.

Today I finished the first day of week 3 of the program. This week the goal is to complete 90 seconds of jogging, then 90 seconds of walking, 3 minutes of jogging, 3 minutes of walking then repeat the whole sequence. Plus there is a 5 minute warm up and 5 minute cool down walk. About a half hour. It was definitely hard sticking to my 12 minute mile pace, but I did it. I am glad I am pushing myself to go faster than my first bout with the program, but I just hope I can stick with it as the endurance builds in the weeks to come.

Total Pledged Sponsors: 0 Number of Pledges to reach the Goal: 130

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