Monday, March 8, 2010

Training Update #2

Well, after a week of fighting off a nasty cough. I finally got back to my training schedule. I'm working on week four of the nine week couch to 5k program, and keeping my eyes on Bay to Breakers May 16th. Bay to Breakers is about a 7 mile course from the bay bridge across San Francisco to the Great Highway (next to the ocean). It is one of the craziest races in America because San Francisco always brings a party ha ha ha. I've seen the race every year, because it makes it nearly impossible to get across town that Saturday, and let me tell you... the costumes, floats and people are just wild. I am excited to run it this year, mostly because I think it will be a good intermediate goal on my way to the half marathon in September. Plus I'm sure it will be good to have at least a little race experience before the big day.

So far I have had a few people mention they would sponsor me, but only in passing. If you want to become an official sponsor please send me your name and address to so I can send you a BIG thank you and more information!

See You at the Finish Line

Total Number of Sponsors: 3 Sponsors Needed to Reach my Goal: 127

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