Friday, May 28, 2010

Things have moved in to hyper-speed...and sadly I don't mean my running :) The end of the school year is always crazy, but this year some of our girls who have been around as long as I have are graduating from high add in dance recitals, prom, graduations and getting ready for a jam-packed summer and I have found it pretty hard to hit the road as consistently as I would like. Things should calm down over the next few weeks though, plus I start my official training plan on the 14th of June which means I'll be running 5 days a week, no excuses!

Here's a look at some of the fun distractions the last couple weeks have brought:

Cierra finished her final year of dance by chorographing a really cool bollywood dance piece. It was a great show!

Then we spent the next week running around buying supplies and making prom decoration, since the school had no budget for decorations, then we spent the big day blowing up balloons and turning the hotel into a casino. It was a casino royale theme:

Then, Lucy and I turned our house into a private restaurant for 20 prom goers...It was so much fun!

I even made tuxedo stawberries

The Kids really had a good time...mission accomplished!

Then I headed off to camp for a planning meeting which was a great time and really productive, and when I came home we got the chance to celebrate my friend Elisabeth's graduation from her Master's program! This week we have more graduations and parties and our summer interns roll into town! I can't wait for Monday when we will hopefully take the day off to do absolutely nothing!

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