Sunday, April 18, 2010

I keep runnin', runnin' and runnin' runnin'...

So I had a much better run on thursday, I worked out my blister problem, and was feeling pretty good. I started playing this game while I run; I pick out innocent people walking on the sidewalk in front of me, maybe a couple out for a stroll, a mom with a stroller, or a old lady with one of those old lady carts, you know, the real lightning fast types (LOL) and try my best to pass them. I usually pick someone who is about a block ahead of me and just try to see if I can catch them. Its pretty entertaining and I catch myself having a mini celebration as I pass--- eat my dust grandma! of course I am the only one playing this game, but it is fun never the less, I am hoping I can use my skills to pass some real runners someday, but for now I just race the innocent bystanders.
here's my nike stats:

This morning I got up to run before church and learned that although I liked that there was no traffic to contend with, I am not really a morning runner. I was hungry and sluggish and somehow managed to pause my nike plus band like halfway through the whatever my real stats are I'm not sure, but here is a snapshot:

Plus there wasn't really anyone to "race" out on the sidewalks that early :)

See You At The Finish Line

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