Monday, April 12, 2010


So I missed my long training run on Sunday, between having a group here, going to see one of our kids in her first school musical, and the pouring rain, it just didn't work out. I ended up running just a mile today since it's supposed to be my cross training day, and then tomorrow I will go for 3 miles. I'm trying to get on a Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday schedule, because tuesdays are pretty slow around here, and thursday is my day off so that makes for less conflicts of schedule. I think Sundays will be best for my long runs, especially as they start getting longer and longer in June, since I can usually find a few hours in the afternoon.

I forgot to post last wednesdays run, but here it is:

And here is today's- from the treadmill, not super-fast, but I didn't want to over do it since I am not really supposed to be running on cross-training days. oh well:

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