Monday, April 5, 2010

My new toy + a training update

I got a new gadget to help me keep track of my runs now that they are getting longer. It's called the nike+ sports band. There is this little sensor thingy that fits into the bottom of my shoe and then it transmits a signal to a wristband I wear. The best part is i can plug the band into my computer and it gives me a picture of my runs like this:

See it shows how far I ran, and how fast. I'm still getting over a head cold from last week so I only ran at about a 15:30 pace, but I hoping wednesday's run will be better. I finally got a chance to run outside with this new little gadget, and I loved it. I definitely think running outside will make all the difference now that I am running longer and longer.

I think there is a way I can link the nike+ site, but i'm not sure. I will update you as soon as I know if I can, then you can see all the other cool features they have.

see you at the finish line

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